KL two is custom Set Design at affordable prices
A musical or play does not rely solely on brilliant actors, dazzling musicians, lighting and costumes; it NEEDS (of course) exceptional scenery to bring the action to life. WE at KL two are determined to help bring your production to life. Our stock set designs are geared for successful execution, ease of production and bringing spectacle to life! In other words – “If you build it they will come”… All great shows deserve a great set and that is what KL two is all about. We have a stock pile of outstanding set designs that are easy to build, are budget conscience and will get your show on the boards to success.
Want some more superlatives? Read on… Our idea of “customized” stock set designs at an affordable price has been a dream that has been brewing for many years… A division of The KEILIN Design Group, Inc., KL two’s vision is to provide proven scenic designs to organizations that desire professional production design at a cost they can afford. Our team of designers possesses diverse and unique experiences, backgrounds and ideas to create outstanding, intuitive and cohesive design. Picture this; you tell us what show you are doing, give us your theatre specs; fill out some forms and in two to four weeks you receive our design “customized” to your space.
Easy, convenient, affordable and stress-free; our goal is to save you time and reduce your anxiety to a minimum. Our team provides your teacher/student team with a custom design that will challenge their skills and demonstrate their talents. Great Design and excellent directions are not only our mission but the key to every successful production.

Get to know us
What is this? What is KL two?
KL two has been a dream for nearly ten years. The core idea of our service is to customize our stock set designs to anyone’s stage and provide the necessary drawings and elevations to allow easy construction of a quality set at an affordable price.
Is my design unique?
Yes and No!
Yes, we customize our stock design to “fit” your stage; however, No as the design is stock meaning this set design would be the same for any organization ordering it. The majority of our stock designs have already been successfully produced (at least once before) so the flaws have already been worked out. If you choose a play that we have never designed, we will design and send it to you. At that time it enters our stock portfolio. If you choose the Premiere or Artist in Residence package then the design is totally custom and totally yours. It will not join the stock as it was designed for your venue and your organization.
How can we help you?
We can help as little or as much as you want!
We have dozens of stock designs to choose from and you are done! Or if you prefer, choose our Premiere option to have a unique set created just for you. Additionally, we offer our Artist in Residence option for personal on-site collaboration as well as ala carte consulting services for Staff, faculty and students workshops. Our selection of stock designs runs the gamut from the most popular musicals like Bye Bye Birdie to classic dramas such as Romeo and Juliet.
Who are we?
The Principal Partners of KL two are Don Keith and Phil Lin. After years of working in the corporate world both Don and Phil are returning to their theatre roots where their hearts have always been. In 2009, Don and Phil launched The KEILIN Design Group which is a full service production design company that services corporate event, entertainment, internet and television clients; even a NFL team. Having designed and/or built scenery for theatre, ballet, television, corporate event and rock shows, we decided that it was time to take this idea off the shelf and put into practice. Together, with a team of skilled designers we can fulfill your production dreams.
Our designers would be happy to participate in interviews for local papers, magazines and news programs. We ask that any photo of the set be recognized as Scenery Designed by KL two.
What we expect from you?
Technical Information specific to your stage or venue. In order for us to “fit” our design into your space we need as many measurements, information and drawing that you can muster. We will email you a technical specification sheet with the contract that you need to fill out in as much detail as possible. Additionally, if you can provide scale drawings (both plan view and elevations) and/or line set schedules, they will be very beneficial to our team in accurately inserting our design into your venue.