Sets ready for sale:
We have quite a few production designs in our vault, to give an idea, here are 9 samples to get a quick glance about our design information.

Musical 48' wide x 38' deep x 22' high

Musical 48' wide x 38' deep x 22' high

Musical 48' wide x 38' deep x 22' high

Musical 48' wide x 38' deep x 22' high

Musical 48' wide x 38' deep x 22' high

Play 48' wide x 38' deep x 22' high

Play 48' wide x 38' deep x 22' high

Musical 48' wide x 38' deep x 22' high

Play 48' wide x 38' deep x 22' high
Stagecraft Workshops:
Stagecraft Workshop 1 : “The Foundation”
This workshop, at its core, teaches stage scenery basics.
Whether you select the one or two day program; these are hands-on workshops designed to teach the novice stage carpenter the skills necessary to build a set. Furthermore, the practical approach for this class is designed to accomplish two goals; the participants will learn the carpentry basics of stagecraft while actually building the set for your next production or stock flats and platforms. Watching a demonstration and learning the principles of why scenery is constructed in a certain manner is great knowledge. BUT actually building a flat, platform or set piece turns that theory into an accomplishment that has a lasting impact… In short, as long as we are learning new skills we might as well harness that intellect and energy into sweat equity and construct a real project or stock scenic units.
While Stagecraft is so much more than just the technical components of a theatrical production, it all begins with the basics of stage scenery and its construction. We have progressed significantly since the painted screens of the Greek Theatre and the pageant wagons of the Italian Renaissance theatre; to this day theatrical scenery is based on those same principles and techniques developed hundreds of years ago.
Workshop is intended for twenty participants. 20 workbooks are included in the cost for twenty participants. Have more students or parents that want to participate? No problem; extra workbooks can be purchased for $7.50 each. We ask that you respect our effort and experience to produce these materials and request that you not make additional copies yourself. We certainly understand that every organization is on a tight budget but our workbooks took a good deal of time to write, photograph and produce... And while the information is not totally proprietary (realistically it is a combination of several construction methods and twenty years of scene shop experience) it is our proven method and we request that you get additional copies from us.
- One Day Workshop: 8 Hours
Shop Safety and basics, Platforms and Flats
- Two Day Workshop: 16 Hours
Shop Safety and basics, Platforms and Flats, Base painting, Windows, Doors, and 3D basics
Stagecraft Workshop 2 : “The Craftsperson” One Day Workshop: (8 Hours) 10 participants
Designed for the advanced craftsperson, this workshop is for someone who loves to build scenery and is eager to learn advanced construction techniques, rigging and flying scenery and maybe even lead your construction team. Again, we like to use the practical approach for the class; the participants will learn advanced stage carpentry, while actually building a project from technical drawings. As with the “Basics” workshop, as long as we are learning new skills, we might as well harness that intellect and energy into sweat equity and construct a real project. The workshop includes reference materials and the topics covered are:
Organization – Shop organization, Tool Usage, Reading Blueprints and making shop drawings
Leadership – Organizing the work, preparing a cut list, leading the team
Safety – Shop safety, making platforms ad stair units safe, Stage Safety
Rigging – Flying Drapery and Scenery, Turntables and Tracked Scenery, Rigging Stage props (basics)
Stage Management Workshop : (8 Hours) 10 participants
Providing the practical skills to help the novice Stage Manager become the vital asset to the director, actors, designers, stage crew and technicians. From about blocking to taking notes for the actors to calling cues during the performance, this workshops covers the essential responsibilities and tasks to perform in each phase of production, The workshop includes reference materials and the topics covered are:
Organization - creating schedules, forms and essential paperwork
Stage blocking
Running the rehearsal
Stage safety
Running and calling the show.
Design Assistants: One Day Workshop: (8 Hours) for up to 10 participants
Providing the practical basics to help the novice Designer make their Design concept become a reality. The workshop includes reference materials and the topics covered are:
Design concept:
Style and tone, Time period and location, solving unique script problems; seeking practical solutions, coordinating and integrating with the other designer and technicians
The Designers tools
Visual / aesthetic tools - Line, Mass, Composition, Space, Texture, Color (Hue, Saturation, Value, Temperature
Communicating your work – Drawings, Renderings, Drafting and written
Practical tools: Flats, Cutout scenery, Platforms, Wagons, turntable, or revolve, Drops, Scrims, Cyclorama, and Projections.
Stage Supplies:
Stage Supplies
Do you need Muslin, Stage Hardware, Lighting Gel or Gaffe’s Tape? Well, by the fall of 2019 KL two will be your one stop shopping location for supplies and scenic materials. Until then… Ask us where to find scatter snow, fog machines or any other stage materials – we have hundreds of contacts and we are not afraid to share.